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A Closer Look at the 20 Oldest Watch Brands in Existence

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15 Best Platinum Watches From Your Favorite Luxury Brands

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The Evolution of the Stylish Rolex Pepsi

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Shaping Horology: 12 Timepieces for the Square Watch Enthusiasts

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GPCCI welcomes new labor agreements between Germany and the Philippines for Filipino workers in the healthcare industry and other professional services.

German energy efficiency companies seek business partners in the Philippine Cold Chain and Cold Storage industry.

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Grimm Versus Disney

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6 Email Campaigns to Help You Increase Sales on Black Friday

Grimm versus Disney

The Walt Disney Company, more popularly known as Disney, is a renowned enterprise founded by Walt Disney and Roy O. Disney. It is dedicated to providing quality entertainment through media networks, studio entertainment, interactive media, parks, resorts, and the like. Disney specializes in creating and innovating stories, such as fairytales, to capture the interest of people, most especially the youth. The Brothers Grimm, on the other hand, are two German siblings known for their unique fairytales and contribution to linguistics. Jakob and Wilhem Grimm published the first edition of Tales of Children and the Home, stories gathered from different regions of Germany, back in 1812. Although Disney and the Brothers Grimm are both recognized for their unique depictions of fairytales, there is still a difference on the values and morals they uphold as seen through their works.

Fairytales are a huge part of a person’s childhood, right? It is through these stories that children get to expand their imagination, vocabulary, and thinking. They get an opportunity to analyze and connect the plots of the tales and even choose a favorite character to serve, somehow, as a role model. This proves that fairytales are relevant because it is one of the building blocks of someone’s personality. Fairytales can be the foundation of how a person perceives the world.

The Brothers Grimm, being both scholars and authors, wrote these tales to preserve German myths. It can be inferred that their version of the tales are specifically for the people of Germany since the brothers used the German language in collating the stories. In Tales of Children and the Home, the brothers did not use any illustrations in order to keep the scholarly tone of their work.

Disney released Snow White and the Seven Dwarves, their first feature film, back in 1937. They made use of animations in portraying these fairytales therefore it can be inferred that their target audiences are children and families. Nowadays, Disney has become such a huge company that people, especially children, are more aware of their version of certain tales. It is difficult to state which of the two is more popular but, based on the accessibility of Disney through social media and television, they definitely have the upper hand.

Another notable difference between the two would be the plot of the fairytales. The Brothers Grimm version is known to be more violent, graphic, and dark while the Disney version is optimistic, pleasant, and suitable for all ages. An example of this would be the story of Rapunzel.

In the Brothers Grimm version, the prince impregnates Rapunzel, which leads to the enchantress banishing her to the wilderness while the Disney adaptation of the story, called Tangled, is about Rapunzel making an agreement with a thief who shall bring her to the castle to see the “floating lights” in exchange for a diadem he stole. Despite both having happy endings, the scenarios leading up to it are very different. As mentioned before, the Brothers Grimm chose to write tales with dark concepts such as violence, pre-marital sex, abuse, incest, and the like while Disney portrayed their tales with love, friendship, camaraderie, and hope. These represent the different values and morals they wish to convey to their audience. The Grimm’s purpose may be to open the eyes of people early on to cruelty of the world while Disney wants children to remain optimistic and hopeful despite the hardships in life.

The most relevant similarity between the Brothers Grimm and Disney is how influential they are up until now. Disney’s adaptations would not have been possible if it not for the Grimm Brothers’ research and gathering of these tales. In turn, the popularity of these fairytales would have been less if not for the creativity of Disney in interpreting these stories. This proves that both are very much connected despite all the differences stated.

Whether one prefers the Disney or the Grimm version of the fairytales, it is still in the person’s hand whether they will choose to uphold the values being conveyed in the stories. It is how a person will act upon their interpretation of these tales that is most important.

Advertise Exclusivity

The funny thing about humans is that we all crave some sort of exclusivity in our lives to make us feel special or different. While that may seem problematic in a political perspective, this human flaw is something businesses can utilize to their advantage especially during Black Friday Cyber Monday.

You can spice up your email campaigns by highlighting exclusive promos and discounts that are being offered. This tactic comes with a certain kind of urgency that encourages your potential customers to miss out “one-of-a-kind” deals.

Make It Punny

Another classic way to entice customers via email campaigns is by coming-up with funny lines to increase engagement. Using a humorous subject encourages people to actually open and read the email that can potentially lead to them joining your Black Friday Cyber Monday promos. Aside from that, people are more likely to remember witty puns and jokes which they may (or may not) associate with your brand.

Do keep in mind that to keep the jokes and puns light and uncomplicated as you don’t want issues or accusations about your brand to arise.

The Altruistic Approach

If you are a company with strong values, the Altruistic Approach is a good marketing strategy to use on Black Friday Cyber Monday for two reasons. First, it lessens the shopping guilt that your customers may have during this time. If they see that a portion of your sales is going to a certain advocacy, buying your products will actually make them feel good and proud. Second, it bodes well for the reputation of your business as it emphasizes your commitment to your values.

However, you have to make sure that you aren’t begging for customers as it may seem like you’re only using charity to increase your revenue. You have to execute it in such a way that the customers will feel the brand’s passion for the chosen advocacy.

Make It Longer

Lastly, another common email strategy during Black Friday Cyber Monday is the promo extension. This includes copies that give emphasis on the longer duration of your sales campaign which relieves shopping pressure on your potential customers. It also encourages them to engage, save, share, and go back to your email when they are ready to buy from your business (within the given time frame).

Ready to Conquer Black Friday

Now that you’ve gone through those different email marketing strategies, you can reflect on which tactic would suit your brand best. In fact, the effectiveness of the campaigns above all depend on how you incorporate and execute them in line with your branding. Even though Black Friday and Cyber Monday are still still months away, it is never too early to start preparing so you can get the most out of it as a business owner!

6 Email Campaigns to Help You Increase Sales on Black Friday

Black Friday is one of the busiest days of the year for many consumers around the world. It marks the beginning of the holiday season which means a lot of shopping in preparation for Christmas. Companies, on the other hand, offer discounted products or services as a way to attract more customers. In fact, it is a highly anticipated and crucial time for businesses because it can help increase sales and revenue before the year ends.

Thus, as a business owner, you should definitely know how to maximize the Black Friday Cyber Monday craze by using different promotion tactics and one of the most common ways to do so is through email marketing. So, without further ado, below are 6 email campaigns to help you increase your sales on Black Friday.

6 Email Campaigns for Increased Sales on Black Friday

Simple and Straightforward

While it may seem like a basic and boring tactic, the Simple and Straightforward approach is proven to be quite effective when done right. You have to remember that numerous companies are also sending out their own promotions to customers on Black Friday so, if you want them to actually read your email, it is best to keep it short, sweet, and straight to the point.

The perfect way to do this is by making sure that the subject of your email is simple and that your Black Friday Cyber Monday promos are clearly stated. You should also include a call to action which will redirect them to your page/website.

Play with Visual Aesthetics

When you’re competing with other brands, one of the best things you can do to capture the attention of your target audience is by using unique and stimulating visuals in your email campaign. Especially if your brand has a certain aesthetic, you can create gifs or posters that will encourage people to check out your website and products during the whole Black Friday Cyber Monday affair.

However, you have to remember to not go overboard because the last thing you want is to overwhelm potential clients. Good graphics mixed with concise information about your company’s promos is the way to go!